Cycle Sovereignty:
A FREE 5-day Jumpstart to Empowered Body Literacy

Are you ready to feel like the boss of your own body, make informed decisions about your sexual & reproductive health, and embrace the power of your cycle?

Hey Aspiring cycle superstar!
Atchie Here!

I am a holistic reproductive health practitioner, certified fertility awareness educator, and occupational therapist. Most importantly, though, I’m your biggest cheerleader on your journey toward understanding all things womb and cycle health. I’m here to provide you with the real sex-ed! You deserve to KNOW how to manage your fertility and cyles, and to love the experience of being in a cycling body!

In Just 5 Days You Will Learn…

  • Day 1: Intro to FAM Method & 3 Biomarkers

    ​Uncover the secrets of the Fertility Awareness Method and explore the three critical biomarkers of your cycle.

  • Day 2: Meet Your Cervical Fluid

    ​Decode the consistency of your cervical fluid and understand what it reveals about your cycle health and how to engage in intimacy without fear based on your unique goals.

  • Day 3: Basal Body Temp

    ​Your Key to Ovulation Confirmation
! Learn how to use basal body temperature as a powerful tool to confirm ovulation. Ovulation is an indicator of health and knowing if it’s happening or not is invaluable!

  • Day 4: Meet Your Cervix (Let’s Go Deeper)

    Dive deeper into understanding your cervix and its role in your reproductive journey.

  • Day 5: Using FAM for Your Fertility Intentions

    ​Discover how the Fertility Awareness Method can empower you in pregnancy planning, reliable contraception, and cycle health.

Step Into Your Power

Grab your 5-Day Cycle Sovereignty Jumpstart now!